MiFID II, bail in, conflicts SFDR
Pursuing a client’s financial well-being and our independence are fundamental for us. We have always adopted a transparent approach and operate with no conflict of interest, far from product-linked, distribution logics. MiFID is the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. One of its main objectives is to harmonise the protection of investors all over Europe: promptly adopted Directive content, identifying the macro-types of conflicts of interest linked to the Bank and to the activities or services provided by entities connected to it, defining clear, effective measures to prevent and manage any conflicts arising. All information on MiFID and our procedures is public and can be consulted:
> Conflict of Interest policy
> Inducement policy
> Execution transmission policy
> CONSOB Financial Education Manual
> Annual report on the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution (Year 2017)
> Annual report on the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution (Year 2018)
> Annual report on the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution (Year 2019)
> Annual report on the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution (Year 2020)
> Annual report on the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution (Year 2021)
> Annual report on the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution (Year 2022)
> Annual report on the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution (Year 2023)
Pre-contractual information
The European Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments – MiFID II provides specific documentation on pre-contractual information on the Bank and on its investment services.
In particular, this information is collected in the file below called “Investor Education”, with which the Bank intends to provide all the information necessary for a better knowledge and competence of the Bank, the investment services provided, as well as the risks associated with the financial instruments and products treated, so that clients can consciously take their investment decisions and assess the related risks.
Code of conduct
Whistleblowing right
Our Bank is actively committed in the fight against unethical, illegal or criminal practices and in the respect of the anti-corruption regulations in force.
In the event of a suspicious event, we accompany any employee - internal or external - and any supplier wishing to exercise his or her right of alert.
For this purpose, a whistleblowing system has been developed. It guarantees a strict confidentiality environment allowing one to expose facts and to communicate with a referent person while protecting the whistleblower’s identity.
We need to specify that the whistleblowing right must be exercised disinterestedly and in good faith. If necessary, the tool is available via the following link: https://www.bkms-system.com/Groupe-Credit-Agricole/ethic-alerts.
Our SFDR Policy
The EU Regulation 2019/2088 on Sustainability Reporting in the Financial Services Sector (SFDR) which came into force on 10 March 2021 requires its players to publish their policies with respect to:
- the integration of sustainability risks into their investment decision-making process,
- the consideration of the main negative impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors,
- the integration of sustainability risks into their remuneration policy
Information concerning Indosuez Wealth Management group:
- Investment Strategy People and Planet: pre-contractual document
- Investment Strategy People and Planet: ex art. 10 SFDR document
- Investment Strategy People and Planet: periodic disclosure
- Investment Strategy World to Come: pre-contractual document
- Investment Strategy World to Come: ex art. 10 SFDR document
- Investment Strategy World to Come: periodic disclosure
- ESG Policy of Indosuez Wealth Management group
- Sustainability risk policy of Indosuez Wealth Management group
- Indosuez Wealth Management group policy for taking into account the Principle Adverse Impacts (PAIs) of investment decisions on sustainability factors
- Voting policy [IT]